Dr. Panos T. Pappas Ph.D., Hoogleraar natuurkunde en hoogleraar wiskunde
/in PAPIMI /by administratorDr. Panos T. Pappas Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Professor of Mathematics
/in PAPIMI /by administratorProfessor Pappas pursued post-graduate studies leading to a PhD and then pursued research in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at the University of London, the Imperial College, Queen Elizabeth College and the Queen Mary College, Greek State Scholarship for Doctoral studies, Fulbright Scholarship for post Doctoral Research. <!–more–>
1st Alternative Cancer Day – Toespraak van Professor Dr. Panos Pappas
/0 Comments/in PAPIMI, Video /by administratorSpeech by Professor Dr. Panos Pappas. Wanneer de lichaamscel te zwak wordt, neemt de celspanning af, wat resulteert in een disharmonie in het organisme. papimi maakt de noodzakelijke energievoorziening op dit moment mogelijk. De uitvinder, Prof. Dr. Panos Pappas verwacht dat papimi de celspanning zal verhogen en het natuurlijke niveau zal herstellen. Door de cellen […]
1st Alternative Cancer Day – Speech by Professor Dr. Panos Pappas
/0 Comments/in PAPIMI, Video /by administratorSpeech by Professor Dr. Panos Pappas. When the body cell becomes too weak, the cell voltage decreases, resulting in a disharmony in the organism. papimi enables the necessary energy supply at this time.
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Fachverband Deutsche Heilpraktiker e.V
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